Thursday, October 7, 2010

6. Wear a Bow Tie

Call me crazy, but I've been dying to wear a bow tie lately. What's so wrong with a female wanting to wear a bow tie you say? Nothing in my mind. Others that I've mentioned this to have serious issues with the fashion statement though. I'm on the search now for the perfect one. Would it be a bit more dainty and feminine or something with a bold pattern? Ooh, maybe it's crocheted or made out of paper! The excitement rises. I guess I'll only be able to tell when I find the perfect one. Perhaps I'll make my own perfect one.

It all started when I spotted this girl on The Sartorialist wearing a bow tie and ever since it's been some sort of fashion taboo I totally want to defeat. I've always liked bow ties, on men and on jewelry / hair accessories for women. I've definitely had my fair share of bow tie hair clips, ring, necklaces and shoes but I think I'm ready for the real deal now.
The Sartorialist


  1. I love the idea of bow ties. I have boxes of my grandfather's, but most of them are the clip-on variety. Whether clip-on or tie, the real key to pulling off any look is confidence. Bows have always been a part of women's fashions, so why not reclaim the bow!

    I was sixteen when I got my first real job. It was at this vintage-unique consignment shop that had all kinds of crazy stuff. That was where I first fell in love with hats. Vintage women's, yes, but it was the men's vintage fedoras that I took to wearing on occasion. This was way before they were in style, so I would get some long looks from people. But whenever anyone commented it was always a thumbs-up because I wore those babies with a smile and a whole lotta confidence. I say go for it. Jump in.

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